We ask all visitors to Drako's Den to enter their Date of Birth to ensure that only users over the age of 18 have access to the site. This is in part due to the fact that Drako's Den is an Adult Website and only suitable for people over the legal age of adulthood.
As an Adult Website, we allow users to post pornographic / sexually explicit content of various formats, including art, photos, and videos.
Another reason we require users to be over 18 is to ensure the site is safe for mature furries/users, and that users are mature enough to not harass other users - espeically based on their age.
We also require this under COPPA, CDA, CIPA, COPA, and other similar laws.
Also, several jurisdictions believe, and we agree in their judgement, that it can be harmful for minors to have access to such adult content.
At the same time, minors should be properly supervized by their legal parents/guardians, and those guardians should engage in a positive - age appropriate - discussion with their children in regards to sex and sexual content.
This conversation along with the active use of monitoring and web filtering software (Parental Controls) will reduce their access to adult content and reduce their need to look up such content online.
We also hold the belief that proper, Age Appropriate, sexual education - whether taught at home or in the classroom - will lead to the reduction of children lookng up content on the internet that could lead them to Adult Content. Part of that belief derives from the lack of available sexual education leading to us also looking up such content online.
Our Age Verification system utilizes Date of Birth Entry to help limit those under 18 from accessing our site.
This information is not stored on our servers or used for any reason other than determining eligibility to access Drako's Den.
However, just like any other website, we do have access to the IP address of anyone who accesses Drako's Den and can take legal actions to tie those IP addresses to a physical person.
To enter Drako's Den, you must certify and affirm, under the penalty of perjury, your actual date of birth in the Date of Birth Entry system. Anyone under the age of 18 is not authorized to access our website and the contents therein.
This is also enforced by the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
This system also uses cookies stored on the users' machine to determine if they need to be prompted to enter DOB.
Upon entry to the site, the system will store a cookie onto the users' machine that indicates successful entry and will prevent the prompt from being shown again.
Our website also uses cookies for the login systems on our Forums (both General and Adult) which hosts our image galleries.
Drako's Den is also labeled by RTA and a few other Filter Labels.
Turning on Parental Controls on most modern browsers or other filtering software should abide by these Filter Labels and remove access to Drako's Den entirely.
We also work with law enforcement and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in reporting illegal content posted online, including content posted on Drako's Den.